Sunday, 3 April 2016

Measuring Complex Achievement: Performance based assessment

In this topic, we have learn what is performance based assessment, the types, advantages and disadvantages and also the suggestion to achieve a good performance.

Performance bases assessment also can be referred as "authentic assessment" or "alternative assessment. Alternative assessment are not the paper and pencil tests meanwhile the authentic assessment emphasize the use of tasks similar to those found in real world setting.
In education, alternative assessment or portfolio assessment is in direct contrast to what is known as performance evaluation, traditional assessment, standardized assessment or assumptive assessment.Alternative assessment is also known under various other terms, including: authentic assessment.

Authentic assessment is the measurement of "intellectual accomplishment that are worthwhile, significant and meaningful as it is contrasted to the multiple choice standardized tests. Authentic assessment can be devised by the teacher or in collaboration with student by engaging student voice.



  • Clearly communicate instructional goals that involve complex experiments in natural setting
  • Measure complex learning outcomes that cannot be measured by other means
  • Measure process and procedure as well as results of a task
  • Implement approaches suggested by current learning theory-meaning student are active participants in constructing knowledge

  •  Reliability of scores is always a question so careful attention to outcomes is a priority when designing assessment and measurements
  • Complex assessment are time consuming so accurate assessment of student ability may require numerous measurement over time


  •  Focus on learning outcomes that require complex cognitive skills and student performance
  • select or develop tasks that represent both the content and the skills that are central to important learning outcomes
  • Minimize the dependence of tasks performance on skill that are irrelevant to the intended purpose of the assessment tasks
  • Provide the necessary scaffolding for student to be able to understand the task and what is expected

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